As a society, we are becoming increasingly aware of the impact of our words and actions on others. This is a positive development, as it encourages us to be more considerate and respectful towards each other. However, there is a growing trend of taking this too far, to the point where we are afraid to express our opinions or share our thoughts for fear of offending someone. This is not the solution to creating a more inclusive and respectful society. In fact, it is just as harmful as being too offensive.
there is a growing trend of taking this too far
Having too much offense can lead to a lack of communication and understanding. If we are too afraid to express our opinions or share our thoughts, we are not able to have meaningful conversations and debates. This can lead to a lack of growth and progress, as we are not able to learn from each other or find common ground.
Having too much offense is not as good as not being too offensive.
On the other hand, not being too offensive does not mean that we should avoid speaking the truth. We should not be afraid to share our opinions and perspectives, as long as we do so in a respectful and considerate manner. This means being mindful of how our words may affect others and making an effort to understand their perspectives as well.

Furthermore, avoiding offense does not mean that we should be afraid to challenge each other or hold each other accountable. Holding each other to a high standard and encouraging each other to grow and learn is crucial for personal and societal growth. However, it is important to do so in a way that is respectful and not harmful.
Having too much offense is not as good as not being too offensive. While it is important to be considerate and respectful towards others, we should not be afraid to express our opinions or challenge each other in a respectful manner. This is the only way that we can have meaningful conversations, learn from each other, and create a more inclusive and respectful society.