WWE is the most popular and successful wrestling promotion in the world, with a history that spans over six decades. WWE has produced some of the greatest wrestlers of all time, who have entertained millions of fans with their charisma, skills, and achievements. But who are the best of the best? Here is a list of the top 10 WWE wrestlers of all time, based on various sources123.
John Cena: The face of WWE for over a decade, John Cena is a 16-time world champion, a five-time United States champion, and a four-time tag team champion. He has headlined WrestleMania five times and won two Royal Rumble matches. He is also known for his work ethic, his rap skills, and his motto “Hustle, Loyalty, Respect”.
Ric Flair: The Nature Boy is widely regarded as one of the greatest wrestlers ever, not just in WWE but in any promotion. He is a two-time WWE Hall of Famer, a 16-time world champion (including eight NWA titles), and a six-time tag team champion. He has had classic matches with legends like Ricky Steamboat, Dusty Rhodes, Sting, and Shawn Michaels.
Hulk Hogan: The Hulkster is arguably the most iconic wrestler in history, who helped popularize wrestling in the 1980s with his charisma, catchphrases (“What’cha gonna do brother?”), and signature moves (the leg drop). He is a six-time WWE champion (including one WCW title), a two-time Royal Rumble winner (including one as Mr. America), and a three-time tag team champion.
Bret Hart: The Hitman is considered one of the best technical wrestlers ever, who excelled in both singles and tag team competition. He is a seven-time world champion (including five WWF titles), a two-time Intercontinental champion (including one as The Mountie), and an eight-time tag team champion (with Jim Neidhart as The Hart Foundation). He has had memorable feuds with Shawn Michaels (including their infamous Montreal Screwjob), Stone Cold Steve Austin (including their WrestleMania 13 submission match), and Owen Hart (including their WrestleMania 10 brother vs brother match).
Dwayne Johnson: The Rock is one of the most charismatic and electrifying wrestlers ever, who went on to become one of Hollywood’s biggest stars. He is an eight-time WWE champion (including two WCW titles), a two-time Intercontinental champion, and a five-time tag team champion (with Mankind as The Rock ‘n’ Sock Connection, with Chris Jericho as Jeri-Show, with Undertaker as Rock ‘n’ Roll Express, with Kurt Angle as Team ECK, and with John Cena as Team Bring It). He has headlined WrestleMania four times and won one Royal Rumble match. He has had legendary rivalries with Stone Cold Steve Austin (including their WrestleMania trilogy), Triple H (including their Iron Man match), and John Cena (including their “Once in a Lifetime” match).
Shawn Michaels: The Heartbreak Kid is widely regarded as one of the greatest performers ever, who stole the show on many occasions with his athleticism, psychology, and storytelling. He is a four-time WWE champion, a three-time Intercontinental champion, a four-time tag team champion (with Marty Jannetty as The Rockers, with Diesel as Two Dudes With Attitudes, with Stone Cold Steve Austin as The Two-Man Power Trip, and with Triple H as D-Generation X), and an inaugural European champion. He has headlined WrestleMania five times and won two Royal Rumble matches. He has had epic matches with Bret Hart (including their Iron Man match), Undertaker (including their Hell in a Cell match), Ric Flair (including Flair’s retirement match), and Triple H (including their Unsanctioned Street Fight).
Stone Cold Steve Austin: The Texas Rattlesnake is arguably the most popular wrestler ever, who led the Attitude Era with his anti-authority persona, his catchphrases (“Austin 3:16”, “And that’s the bottom line”), and his signature moves (the Stunner). He is a six-time WWE champion, a two-time Intercontinental champion.
These are the top 7 WWE wrestlers of all time, according to various sources. Do you agree or disagree? Who would you add or remove from this list? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!