It just looks bad. I don't know how else to describe it.
The Little Mermaid is supposed to be a vibrant and colorful tapestry of sea culture and fun. Instead, they went with a muted and dull color pallete that makes me want to throw up.
Ariel's hair isn't even red. It's a reddish brown and that sucks too. If you look at Ariel and think "Man, that looks like the Ariel I know", I suspect you probably frequently confuse your sibling for your spouse and live near the mason dixon line.
For the life of me, I don't understand what Disney was thinking. Who the hell thought "Let's make a dark gloomy mermaid movie". Probably the same person that said "Let's make a Lord of the Rings video game..... about Gollum". And don't get me started on Ursula. Melissa McCarthy? Come on. Ursula is supposed to be a big powerful black witch of the sea, not a fat comic relief chick flick actress.
If there is one thing I can promise you, is that this movie will NOT hold up to the original.