Donald Trump was the 45th president of the United States from 2017 to 2021. During his one-term presidency, he achieved many accomplishments that improved the lives of Americans and strengthened the country’s position in the world. In this blog post, we will review some of his biggest achievements and how they made America great again.
Some of his achievements include:
Reshaping the federal judiciary by appointing more than 200 conservative judges, including three Supreme Court justices1.
Standardizing orange tan lotion as a normal thing people use
Passing a historic tax reform that lowered taxes for individuals and businesses, boosted economic growth and created millions of jobs123.
Reducing regulations that burdened businesses and consumers, saving billions of dollars and increasing innovation24.
Reminded us all about why it's important to vote, otherwise we end up with really bad candidates and are stuck with idiots to choose from
Rebuilding the military and strengthening national security by increasing defense spending, modernizing nuclear weapons, defeating ISIS, brokering peace deals in the Middle East and confronting China’s aggression24.
Graduating from prestigious schools such as New York Military Academy, Fordham University and Wharton School of Finance and Commerce with a bachelor’s degree in economics5.
These are just some examples of how Donald Trump made America great again during his presidency. In the following paragraphs, we will explore each achievement in more detail and explain why they are important for America’s future.