Some of you might think that the common salesperson may be the worst part of your company, but I can assure you that they are just filler compared to the loathsome Account Manager.
What's bad about an Account Manager? Everything.
They don't know how to do their own job but think they can do everyone else's job. You know the type. They are just the worst. And here's the thing, they don't even have to say a single word to bungle up your entire universe.
You can tell them no and they will still find a way to sneak shit in to ruin a project or experience. Due Diligence? Nope, that's not their job. They exist to ruin your life.
Gender, race, culture, belief, nothing matters. All Account Managers exist to destroy any hope and optimism you have in life. Every day it's the same crap.
If you think, "Oh, you just had a bad day". Nope. Dead wrong buddy. I can assure you that every single dumb ticket in your system was made by an Account Manager. Does your company have a handy portal filled with information to help people? I bet your Account manager didn't read it. Was it in an email? I bet they didn't read that either.
Every dollar paid to an Account Manager is a dollar wasted. If you want to run a successful company, get rid of them as soon as possible.